The current legislative session commences with a $3.5 billion structural deficit. A standard session often involves the introduction of over 2,000 bills, and we are already at over 1,200!
These are just a few of the thousands of bills introduced of which you should be aware. Visit this site regularly, as we are continuously updating the information as it becomes available. Just remember, any costs listed are coming from YOU, the taxpayer.
Go to the form at the bottom of this page to get regular updates on this Session and any other issues that will affect you, and Let’s Make Maryland Free Again!
Taxes and Fees
HB0017:The State Lottery and Gaming Control Commission will issue licenses for Internet gaming operations, regulate the industry, and require proof of registration for participants. Act will be submitted to referendum.
HB54:repeal the termination date for a certain provision of law related to the maximum amount of total user fees that may be assessed on hospitals and related institutions by the Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC); and generally relating to fees assessed by the HSCRC.
SB70: increasing the maximum tax rate by counties (that impose them) from 3.2% to 3.7% of an individual’s Maryland taxable income; also defining 8 income brackets for individuals and joint filers.
HB0095: This legislation prohibits healthcare providers from using reproductive material without consent in assisted reproductive treatments. It also mandates informed consent, prohibits misrepresentation, and addresses fraud related to such treatments. (Note: does this include selling baby parts from abortions?)
HB340: This act empowers the Attorney General to investigate and prosecute entities responsible for climate change. It establishes a fund for restitution and a council to advise on climate change and fund distribution.
HB0341: Granting Baltimore City or county governing bodies property tax credits (primarily to “defray costs associated with the removal of underground storage tanks and remediation of any contamination associated with undergrund storage tanks”) for converting retail service stations to other uses. The state will reimburse 50% of forgone revenue. (an attempt to disable fossil fuel use ?)
SB0316:Requiring electric companies submit plans to the Public Service Commission (PSC) for energy storage devices. The PSC will pursue solar, hydroelectric, and offshore wind energy transmission development, with the GA goal of 150 megawatts of distribution devices.